IR Policy | IDOM Inc.

IR Policy

Basic Policy

IDOM recognizes that timely and appropriate disclosure of Company information to all shareholders and investors is integral to a healthy securities market. Our basic IR policy is therefore based on prompt and fair disclosure of information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and related policies and the Timely Disclosure regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
IDOM aims to enhance corporate value over long term through seamless and constructive communication with shareholders and investors.

Internal Structure

IDOM will work on enhancing its internal structures to ensure that it consistently and appropriately provides prompt, accurate, and fair disclosure of Company information from the viewpoint of all shareholders and investors. IR department directly managed by representative director is in charge of communication with shareholders and investors.

Method of Disclosure

For the disclosure of material information as specified by the regulations on Timely Disclosure, IDOM discloses the information through the TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) system provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. If such information is disclosed on the TDnet, we promptly post it on its website. IDOM may also provides information that is not required under related laws and regulations but considered useful in aiding shareholders and investors to gain further understanding of the company. Such information may be included in presentation materials used in financial results meetings. We post presentation materials on our website in consideration of providing information in accessible and fair manner.

Quiet Period

In order to thoroughly prevent leakage of financial information, we maintain a “quiet period” for approximately one month prior to the scheduled date for announcement of financial results. During this time, we do not respond to comments or questions regarding our financial results.

Forward-looking Statements

Forward-looking statements concerning forecasts of operating performance that appear on the Company website are based on the evaluations of management at the time of announcement and include risks and uncertainties. Business results may differ materially from such forecasts due to actual economic conditions and other factors.


The Company’s website includes links to external websites operated by other organizations. The users shall be responsible for the use of external links and must follow the rules set by the operators.

Any information provided on the website (including links to external websites) is intended to deepen understanding of the Company and should not be construed as a solicitation for investment in our securities. Investors should rely on their own independent examination of the Company before investing in any securities issued by the Company.