Summary of Recent Financial Results | IDOM Inc.

Summary of Recent Financial Results

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Summary of Recent Financial Results

Summary of Recent Financial Results

◆Retail Unit sales

 In the first quarter of the fiscal year under review (March 1 to May 31, 2024), retail unit sales at directly managed stores in Japan were 38,842 (down 1.1% year on year).This result is almost on a par with the record high we achieved in the same period of the previous year. Gross profit per retail unit also remained strong.

 This mainly reflected solid gross profits per retail and wholesale unit due to the continuation of appropriate price setting, coupled with solid incidental earnings associated with retail sales primarily at large stores.

◆Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses

  Selling, general and administrative expenses increased compared to previous year, chiefly reflecting higher advertising expenses linked to the opening of large stores and higher personnel expenses due to a rise in the number of employees as the result of increased new hiring for the implementation of growth strategies and recruitment costs.

◆Consolidated Results

 The consolidated business results for the first quarter under review were net sales of 124,558 million yen (up 18.3% year on year), operating profit of 4,449 million yen (up 60.5%), ordinary profit of 4,314 million yen (up 60.0%) and profit attributable to owners of parent of 2,901 million yen (up 55.3%). Net sales and income increased year-on-year.