Investor relations
Notice Regarding Dividends from Retained Earnings (PDF形式 88 KB)
Notice on Revisions to the Full-Year Business Results Forecasts and Year-End Dividend Forecast (PDF形式 200 KB)
Notice Regarding Dividends from Retained Earnings (Interim Dividends) and Revision to Year-End Dividend Forecast (PDF形式 148 KB)
Amendment to Notice of Partial Review of Its Dividend Determination Method and the Payment of Dividends of Surplus (PDF形式 177 KB)
Notice Regarding Change of Certified Public Accountant (PDF形式 124 KB)
Notice of Partial Review of Its Dividend Determination Method and the Payment of Dividends of Surplus (PDF形式 151 KB)
Notice on Revisions to the Full-Year Business Results Forecasts (PDF形式 116 KB)
Stock Acquisition Rights by Private Placement and Introduction of a Market Value Issue Stock Acquisition Rights Trust (PDF形式 185 KB)
Notice Regarding Absorption-Type Merger of Consolidated Subsidiary (Gulliver Insurance Co., Ltd.) (PDF形式 131 KB)
Notice of Differences between Results and Forecasts for the First Six Months of Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2023, Revision of Full-year Forecasts, and Posting of Extraordinary Income (Gain on Extinguishment of Tie-in Shares) Associated with Absorption-type Merger of a Subsidiary (PDF形式 144 KB)
Notice Regarding Completion of Transfer of Shares in Consolidated Subsidiaries (PDF形式 84 KB)
Notice of Establishment of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (PDF形式 83 KB)
Notice of Share Transfer of Consolidated Subsidiaries and Posting of Extraordinary Income (PDF形式 42 KB)
Notice on Revisions to the Full-Year Business Results Forecasts (PDF形式 135 KB)
Notice Regarding Application of Exercise of Electronic Voting Rights to General Meetings of Shareholders and Participation in Electronic Voting Platform (PDF形式 86 KB)
Notice Regarding Selection of and Application for Prime Market under New Market Segments (PDF形式 95 KB)
Notice of Differences between Results and the Forecast for the First Six Months and Revision of the Full-Year Forecast (PDF形式 129 KB)
Notice of Share Transfer of Consolidated Subsidiaries (PDF形式 129 KB)
Notice of Relocation of Head Office and Posting of Extraordinary Loss (PDF形式 116 KB)
Notice on Revisions to Results Forecasts (PDF形式 171 KB)
Notice of Differences between Actual Results and Forecasts and Posting of Extraordinary Loss (Impairment Loss) (PDF形式 131 KB)
Notice Regarding Selection of Auditor Candidates and the Retirement of Auditors (PDF形式 22 KB)
Notice on Revisions to the Full-Year Business Results Forecasts (PDF形式 137 KB)
Notice of Differences between Results and the Forecast for the First Six Months (PDF形式 66 KB)
Notice of Results of Acquisition and Completion of Treasury Stock (PDF形式 108 KB)
Notice of Acquisition Status of Treasury Stock (PDF形式 19 KB)
Notice of Acquisition Status of Treasury Stock (PDF形式 20 KB)
Notice Regarding Resignation of Auditor and Selection of Auditor Candidate (PDF形式 21 KB)
Notice Regarding Company Split (Simplified Absorption-type Company Spin-off) (PDF形式 40 KB)
Notice Regarding Result of Repurchase of Treasury Shares (PDF形式 112 KB)
Notice of Repurchase of Treasury Shares through Off-Floor Own Share Repurchase Trading (PDF形式 112 KB)
Notice of Decisions on Matters Regarding Repurchase of Treasury Shares (PDF形式 106 KB)
Revision of Earnings Forecast (PDF形式 81 KB)
Notice Regarding Differences Between Financial Forecasts and Actual Results (PDF形式 92 KB)
Conclusion of a Syndicated Loan Agreement (PDF形式 74 KB)
Conclusion of a Loan Agreement (PDF形式 73 KB)
Change in principal shareholders (PDF形式 90 KB)
Change in principal shareholders (PDF形式 91 KB)
Revision of Earnings Forecast (PDF形式 116 KB)
Acquisition of Melbourne-based Dealership Group (PDF形式 78 KB)
Nomination of the Candidate for New Outside Director (PDF形式 71 KB)
Differences between Non-consolidated Forecast and Actual Results for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2018 (PDF形式 84 KB)
Differences between Non-consolidated Forecast and Actual Results for the Second Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2018 (PDF形式 94 KB)
Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights by Private Placement and Additional Setting to Incentive Plan (Market Value Issue Stock Acquisition Rights Trust) (PDF形式 120 KB)
Amendment to Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2017 (PDF形式 70 KB)
Nomination of the Candidate for New Outside Director and Retirement of Current Outside Director (PDF形式 117 KB)
Amendment to Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2017 (PDF形式 769 KB)
Revision of Earnings Forecast and Partial Revision of Method for Deciding Dividends (PDF形式 117 KB)
Conclusion of Syndicated Loan Agreement (PDF形式 79 KB)
Stock Acquisition Rights by Private Placement and Introduction of a Market Value Issue Stock Acquisition Rights Trust (PDF形式 114 KB)
Directors’ Retirement Benefits System and Final Payment (PDF形式 8 KB)
Gulliver Announces Revisions to Operating Results Forecasts (PDF形式 115 KB)
Gulliver Announces Partial Revision of its Articles of Incorporation (PDF形式 95 KB)
Gulliver Announces a Change in Trade Name and a Partial Revision of Its Articles of Incorporation (PDF形式 94 KB)
Gulliver Announces the Resignation of a Representative Director (PDF形式 89 KB)
Gulliver Announces the Resignation and Appointment of Auditors (PDF形式 87 KB)
Gulliver Announces Dividend from Retained Earnings (PDF形式 102 KB)
Gulliver Announces It Concluded Loan and Commitment Line Agreements (PDF形式 104 KB)
Gulliver Announces Debt-Equity Swap to Convert Loan to a Subsidiary into Shares (PDF形式 89 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to operating results forecasts (PDF形式 95 KB)
Gulliver Announces It Obtained Loan Financing (PDF形式 83 KB)
Gulliver Announces It Obtained Loan Financing (PDF形式 23 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to operating results forecasts (PDF形式 154 KB)
Gulliver Announces Completed Share Acquisition of Buick Holdings Pty Ltd (PDF形式 31 KB)
Gulliver Announces It Obtained Loan Financing (PDF形式 84 KB)
Gulliver Announces Acquisition of Buick Holdings Pty Ltd (PDF形式 69 KB)
Gulliver Announces Revisions to Operating Results and Dividend Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ended February 2015 (PDF形式 126 KB)
Gulliver Announces Acquisition of Shares by a Subsidiary (PDF形式 54 KB)
Gulliver Announces Revisions to Operating Results and Dividend Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ended February 2014 (PDF形式 121 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to operating results forecasts (PDF形式 96 KB)
Gulliver announces acquisition of Thailand company shares (PDF形式 38 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to operating results forecasts (PDF形式 28 KB)
Gulliver Announces Revisions to Operating Results and Dividend Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ended February 2012 (PDF形式 27 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to operating results forecasts (PDF形式 37 KB)
Gulliver announces upward revisions to business results forecasts and extraordinary charges (PDF形式 29 KB)
Notice Concerning Determination of Offer Price and Selling Price for Offering of Treasury Stock and Secondary Offering of Shares (PDF形式 38 KB)
Notice Concerning Offering of Treasury Stock and Secondary Offering of Shares in the International Market (PDF形式 47 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to operating results forecasts (PDF形式 43 KB)
Gulliver announces upward revisions to interim results forecasts (PDF形式 51 KB)
Gulliver announces transfer of shares of G-ONE Credit Services Co., Ltd. (PDF形式 22 KB)
Gulliver announces absorption-type merger of consolidated subsidiary (PDF形式 24 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to operating results forecasts (PDF形式 49 KB)
Gulliver announces upward revisions to interim and full-year forecasts (PDF形式 63 KB)
G-TRADING Co., Ltd. to become a wholly Owned Subsidiary of Gulliver International Co., Ltd. through a Share Exchanges (PDF形式 79 KB)
Notification of Establishment of Record Date for an Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders (PDF形式 13 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to financial results forecasts and dividend forecasts for the year ending February 2009 (PDF形式 60 KB)
Gulliver announces Resignation of Board Member (PDF形式 39 KB)
Gulliver announces investment in subsidiary (PDF形式 32 KB)
Gulliver announces investment in subsidiary (PDF形式 46 KB)
Gulliver Announces Revisions to Dividend Forecast (PDF形式 44 KB)
Gulliver Announces Decision to Acquire Treasury Stock (PDF形式 44 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to forecasts for the year ending February 2009 (PDF形式 52 KB)
Gulliver announces changes to the Board of Directors (PDF形式 40 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to forecasts for the year ended February 2008 (PDF形式 30 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to its dividend forecasts for the fiscal year ended February 2007 (PDF形式 15 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to its forecasts for the fiscal year ended February 2007 (PDF形式 27 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to its forecasts for the interim period of fiscal 2006 (PDF形式 30 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to its forecasts for the interim period of the fiscal year ending February 28, 2007 (PDF形式 31 KB)
Gulliver announces revisions to its forecasts for fiscal 2005 (PDF形式 30 KB)
Capital increase of Gulliver consolidated subsidiary (PDF形式 19 KB)
Gulliver International and USS to form joint venture (PDF形式 21 KB)
Gulliver International Co., Ltd. Revises Consolidated and Non-Consolidated Interim and Full Year Forecasts (PDF形式 45 KB)
Notice Regarding Revision to the Full Year Performance Forecast (PDF形式 15 KB)
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